Vault Management
The central entities in Cryptomator Hub are vaults. In Hub, every vault contains a key to encrypt and decrypt your data stored in the cloud of your choice. Hub manages access to the vaults, it does not store any encrypted user data. This section describes how to manage vaults in Cryptomator Hub.
Vault List
The vault list is the main page of Cryptomator Hub.
Here, all vaults which are shared with you, are listed.
After signing in, Hub redirects you to this list.
Alternatively, you can also access the list by clicking on the Vaults
tab in the navigation bar.

As a user, you will only see the vaults that you have access to.
As an admin of the Hub instance, you can see all vaults, but you can only access those that you have been granted access to.
Create a Vault
To create a vault in Hub, navigate to the vault list and click on the Create Vault
button in the top right corner.
Every vault has a name and optionally a description.
Fill out the form and continue the process by clicking the Next
button in the right corner.

In the next step, the vault recovery key is displayed.
It can restore access to the vault data in case of an emergency, e.g. if Cryptomator Hub is down.
Store it at a safe location, tick the checkbox and complete the setup by clicking the Create Vault
button at the bottom

The recovery key is highly confidential. It is a human readable form of the vault masterkey, which is used to encrypt your data and independent of the key management in Cryptomator Hub.
When the setup is finished, you have the opportunity to download the initial vault template and place it in your desired cloud storage location. You can unlock the vault and place data inside with Cryptomator. If you skip this step, you can download the template later.

Vault Details
The vault details page shows metadata of a vault (e.g. creation date) and contains the management section of the vault (e.g. grant a user access). To open it, navigate to the vault list and click on entry in the list. The details are displayed on the right side.
With the user role, you have access to the following details:

With the owner role, you have access to the following sections:

Manage Vault
To add a user, grant devices access, or view the members list, you need to have the vault owner role. Open the vault details page to manage a vault.
Shared with
members listUpdate Permissions
button (only clickable if necessary)Edit Vault Metatdata
buttonDownload Vault Template
buttonShow Recovery Key
buttonArchive Vault
Change Ownership
To change user’s ownership of a vault, click on the three dots next to the user’s details in the Shared a vault section of the vault details.
Update Permissions
If members of the vault have finished the first login or reset user accounts, a vault owner must explicitly grant access to these users. Only then, the user can unlock the vault with its device.
As a vault owner, you can see that an update is necessary when the Update Permissions
button is clickable.

Edit Vault Metadata
To edit the vault metadata, click on the Edit Vault Metadata
button in the vault details. It opens a form where you can change the vault name and description.
Download Vault Template
To download the vault template, click on the Download Vault Template
button in the vault details. It downloads the vault template to your local device. You can place it in your desired cloud storage location and unlock it with Cryptomator. You can do that if you skipped the download vault template step during the vault creation.
Download the vault template only once! If you download it multiple times, you will have multiple vault templates in your cloud storage location. This can lead to confusion.
Show Recovery Key
To show the vault recovery key, click on the Show Recovery Key
button in the vault details. It shows the same recovery key shown during vault creation. You can use it to restore access to the vault data in case of an emergency, e.g. if Cryptomator Hub is down. Store it at a safe location.
Archive Vault
To archive the vault, click on the Archive Vault
button in the vault details. It archives the vault and removes it from the “accessible” vault list.
You can unarchive it by clicking on the Owned by me
tab in the navigation bar, select the vault and clicking on the Reactive Vault
Import a Vault
If you have a existing, password-based Cryptomator vault and want to switch to centralized, password-less user access management, you can import the vault in Cryptomator Hub. For a successful import, the recovery key of the vault and write access to its storage location is needed
The import is done via the Hub vault recovery feature.
Follow the vault online recovery guide and use the recovery key of the password-based vault in the process.
Don’t forget to replace the vault config file vault.cryptomator
at the vault storage location at the end.
Finally, to ensure that the vault cannot be unlocked with its old password anymore, remove the file masterkey.cryptomator
and all backup files ( ending with .bkup