
You can get Cryptomator for Android on

No matter which variant of the app you choose: The key functionality of Cryptomator stays the same.

The variants only differ in terms of the supported Cloud Services, the way they are downloaded and the way a license is acquired. If you have access to the Google Play Store on your device, we recommend using the Google Play Store variant of Cryptomator.
Otherwise, please keep reading.

Differences between variants and how to choose

While all variants of the Cryptomator for Android app have the same key functionality, you should make sure to pick the perfect variant for you:

Most users will want to use the Google Play Store or the APK Store as installation type. Both variants have access to all supported Cloud Services and allow for maximum flexibility. While the Google Play Store variant can be purchased and downloaded via its Google Play Store page, the APK Store variant and the accompanying license must be obtained via our website.

The Cryptomator F-Droid repo variant and Main F-Droid repo variant both don’t support Google Drive as Cloud Service because Google Drive requires proprietary dependencies which doesn’t fit the spirit of F-Droid. Additionally the Main F-Droid repo variant doesn’t support any Cloud Services that require an API key.
Both can be downloaded from their corresponding F-Droid repository and require a license which can be obtained via our website.
The APK Store and F-Droid variants of Cryptomator were created to serve users who do not have the Google Play Store installed on their Android device or do not want their purchases to go through Google.


If you have access to the Google Play Store on your device, we recommend using the Google Play Store variant of Cryptomator for the best user experience and maximum flexibility.

To learn more about the supported Cloud Services, please see Supported Cloud Services.

Google Play Store

You can buy and download the Google Play Store variant of Cryptomator here:

If you have installed Cryptomator via the Google Play Store, you will receive updates as usual via the Google Play Store.

After buying the app using the Google Play Store, it can be used with any number of devices that you have linked to the google account from your purchase. Furthermore it supports the “Google Play Family Library” function which means that the app can be used by up to 5 people in a family without having to buy it again. The conditions and how to create a “Google Play Family” can be found here:

Sometimes the Google Play Store has problems to recognize that the app was already bought and asks you to buy again the app, see this topic to recover from this problem: On how many devices can the app be installed using Google Play Store?

APK Store

You can buy a license for the app and download the APK Store variant of Cryptomator here:

The APK store variant can be installed from the APK Store on our website. Please verify the SHA256 Signature after downloading the APK before installing. The download is a so-called APK (Android application package), which is an installation archive. Install the app by simply clicking on the APK.

It is possible that the app in which you clicked on the APK is asking for “Install from Unknown Sources” permission, this is normal and must be activated for a short time (it is recommended to remove the permission afterwards).

This variant does include an automatic updater that periodically checks if there is a newer version of this app, and if so, it can be downloaded and installed directly from within the app. Using the Update Check Interval in the Cryptomator settings, you can specify how often the update check is executed.

As this variant is not bought using the Google Play Store you need to buy a license key from the APK Store on our website. After Cryptomator is installed, you have to enter this key. This can be done by copying and pasting the license into the field when asked for it or by clicking on the link starting with cryptomator://license/YOUR_LICENSE_KEY.

Cryptomator F-Droid repository

You can buy a license for the Cryptomator F-Droid repository variant of Cryptomator here:
You can download the Cryptomator F-Droid repository variant of Cryptomator from F-Droid after adding our F-Droid repository to the F-Droid app by opening this link on the device or by scanning the following QR-Code:
How to handle cloud services with Android

As with the APK Store variant, since this app variant is not purchased via the Google Play Store, you need to buy a license key from the APK Store on our website. After Cryptomator is installed, you have to enter this key. This can be done by copying and pasting the license into the field when asked for it or by clicking on the link starting with cryptomator://license/YOUR_LICENSE_KEY.

Main F-Droid repository

You can buy a license for the Main F-Droid repository variant of Cryptomator here:
You can download the Main F-Droid repository variant of Cryptomator here:

The Main F-Droid repository variant can be installed directly from the Main F-Droid repository. Regarding the license key, the same applies as with the Cryptomator F-Droid repository variant.

Unlike all other variants of Cryptomator for Android, this variant has its own package name: org.cryptomator.lite. It means that you cannot, intentionally or unintentionally, simply switch between this and the other variants. It requires to setup the app again. The reason we decided to do this is that other Cryptomator variants already exist in some popular F-Droid repositories, and if we hadn’t decided to do this, there could have been an unwanted variant switch.


Requires Android 8.0 or later.

Update Rollout

The timing of the update depends on your installed variant:

  • Google Play Store: Updates are reviewed by Google, so it may take a few days before the update is available.

  • APK Store: Updates are available as they are released.

  • Cryptomator F-Droid Repo: Updates are available as they are released.

  • Main F-Droid Repo: Updates are available as soon as the F-Droid maintainers have built the application, which can take a few days.