Contribute ========== How Can You Help Us? -------------------- Cryptomator is an open source project and wouldn't be possible without contributions from users who support the idea. There are several ways you can help us: * By reporting bugs or feature requests on `GitHub `_, * By discussing solutions in our `community `_, * By contributing patches or features via pull requests, * By helping us with the `localization `_ of Cryptomator, * By improving this documentation, * By becoming a `sponsor `_, * Or by `donating `_ to the maintainers. Before You Start ---------------- If you plan to help, please stick to our `Code of Conduct `_. Our code is licensed under GPLv3 and this documentation under CC-BY-SA 4.0. If you contribute either, your grant us the rights to publish your contributions under those licenses. Also you have to digitally sign a `Contributor License Agreement (CLA) `_. This is required to protect the maintainers of Cryptomator from legal problems with patent or copyright infringement. The CLA signature process is triggered by your first pull request automatically. You will be asked to authenticate with your GitHub account and your username will be stored even if you revoke any activity on GitHub.