Accessing Vaults

Once you have added a vault to Cryptomator, you will probably want to unlock it, so you can start adding files.

Cryptomator window showing a locked vault

Unlocking a Vault

To unlock the selected vault, click on the large Unlock button in the center of Cryptomator window. You will then be prompted for your vault’s password:

Vault unlock dialog


By checking the “Save Password” checkbox, the password will be stored in your operating system’s keychain. There is also a plug-in for Cryptomator available, that allows to store Cryptomator vault passwords in a KeePassXC database.


Only store your password on trusted devices. Anyone with access to this computer will be able to access your vault, if the password is stored in the system keychain.

If your password is correct a confirmation is displayed. You can either just close this Window by clicking Done or click Reveal Vault in order to show your unlocked vault in your file manager.

Vault unlock success dialog

Working with the Unlocked Vault

After unlocking, your vault’s contents will become available as a virtual drive on your PC. This means, that you interact with your confidential files in the same way as with any other hard drive or USB thumb drive.

If you can not find the unlocked vault in your systems file manager (Windows Explorer, Finder, …), you can always click on Reveal Drive in your Cryptomator window:

Cryptomator window showing an unlocked vault


On Windows, you can choose the drive letter of the virtual drive for each vault via the advanced vault options.

Locking a vault

To lock your vault again simply click Lock and your data will be protected and encrypted again.

Cryptomator window showing an locked vault